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Eden Alternative Avante Care Homes Our Philosophy of Care
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0800 206 1442
The Way Forward
The Eden Alternative is Avante’s Philosophy of Care. The Eden Alternative means thinking about ‘care’ in a different way, being positive rather than negative and considering admission into a care home as the start of a new life.
This means that rather than an institution being formed, a true home is created, which works on the principle of knowing each resident well and building the care around that knowledge, always asking ‘how would that feel for me?’ ‘How would I do this in my own home?’
The Aim
After a long and active life, older people are often called to face new challenges around loneliness, feelings of helplessness and boredom, all of which can present a challenge for those receiving care.
The Eden Alternative reduces these challenges by ensuring residents have opportunities to build relationships with each other and staff as well as children and animals, and stay connected to nature outside and inside the home.
We do this by encouraging residents to feel useful and needed, and by providing a varied and interesting environment.
The seven domains of wellbeing that we all need
As we get older people often say they become invisible; they are not consulted or valued for the wisdom that comes with age. Eden seeks to recognise everyone as being an individual in their own right. They have a history and a life story; they are parents, grandparents, have cared for loved ones, have had jobs and careers and have contributed to society in one way or another.
Similarly, carers are not just those who help us to do the things we cannot do for ourselves but they may be wives and husbands, parents, friends and they will have a whole life besides the job they do.
As we get older people often say they become invisible; they are not consulted or valued for the wisdom that comes with age. Eden seeks to recognise everyone as being an individual in their own right. They have a history and a life story; they are parents, grandparents, have cared for loved ones, have had jobs and careers and have contributed to society in one way or another.
Similarly, carers are not just those who help us to do the things we cannot do for ourselves but they may be wives and husbands, parents, friends and they will have a whole life besides the job they do.
Learning should not stop just because you need help with everyday life. New skills, new interests and new friends are all available in an Avante care home for residents and staff continue to grow even as they learn from the people they are caring for
Not just the security of the building but feeling secure enough to speak out when things are not to your liking. Feeling secure because you have privacy and are treated with respect and dignity. This also means security for staff to speak out if they have concerns about how residents and service users are treated.
It is important because as we get older our world becomes smaller as it is not possible to do all the things we did in our youth. Being connected to those around us in a positive way, staying in touch with interests and friends outside the home and for staff being part of a team, are vitally important to the way we all feel about ourselves.
This is something we all need; the right and permission to make our own decisions about the way we want to live our lives. For those that need assistance, the opportunity to choose the time of day for events like bedtime and meal times and the sort of clothes we like to wear, is very important. For those giving care, to be empowered to act without always having to seek permission from ‘the boss’ is equally important.
Being able to do things that have meaning for us instead of just to fill in the time, is essential to a life worth living. Getting to know everyone well, both residents and carers, their likes and dislikes, is the key.
This is not simply happiness but also the little moments that lift your spirits and give you that warm feeling of ‘good to be alive’. These are a must if introducing the Eden Alternative is to be measured and celebrated as being successfully implemented.

The Result
Keeping these domains in mind for everyone, The Eden Alternative gives staff permission to be creative and build close relationships with the people they care for and thus improve the life of everyone.
The problems of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom exist in part because of how society perceives aging, disability and dementia. They are about loss – loss of connection with others, loss of feeling valued for what you have to offer, and the loss of rich and delightful engagement with the world around you.
One of the strengths of the Eden philosophy is how the Principles work together. Companionship assists with loneliness, the opportunity to still feel useful and valuable will alleviate helplessness and a diverse environment, with children, animals and nature will add to the potential for a varied and exciting daily existence.