
Making a payment

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Making a payment

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Make a payment

We accept the following methods of payment. If you would like any further details please contact the Finance Team on 01795 597400 or email us on finance@avantecare.org.uk.

Online Payment

Make your card payment online. Click the button below to view our online payment system.

The Avante Care & Support online payment system is provided by Takepayments. The system is safe, secure, and provides clients with a convenient method of online payment. Details are entered on a secure page using SSL via Takepayments.

Direct Debit

Direct debit is the most convenient method to keep your account up to date. Finance Team Tel: 01795 597400

Bank Transfer

If you would like to settle your account using internet banking then please call us for our account details.
Finance Team Tel: 01795 597400


Speak with the Finance Team to make your payment by card over the phone.
Contact the Finance Team on 01795 597400.


Cheques should be made payable to Avante Care & Support and sent with your remittance slip to:

Avante Care & Support
De Gelsey House
1 Jubilee Way
ME13 8GD