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Dementia Care at Pilgrims View
Pilgrims View care home is set in the rural village of Snodland close to the local Primary School, with which the home has an ongoing relationship. The children from the school and residents of the home have retained this close relationship throughout the past two years, with letters, cards and gifts, all exchanged taking into account strict Government guidelines during the pandemic.
Staff at Pilgrims View listen to the wishes and assess the needs of each individual resident, taking into account their likes, dislikes, interests and past lifestyles in order to ensure they have the best possible outcome for their wellbeing.

Avante’s Philosophy of Care – The Eden Alternative
The Eden Alternative is at the core of all we do at Pilgrims View, the negative states of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom can have a significant effect on well-being and the Philosophy enables staff to develop their role to ensure residents are given the companionship, feeling of self-worth and continued interests for them to achieve a positive lifestyle.
Dementia Environment
Pilgrims View is a smaller, self-contained care home, which has enabled a homely and cosy atmosphere to develop, based on the wishes and ideas of the people who live and work there. The surrounding gardens and courtyard are well kept, with a summer house and shed for garden and DIY enthusiasts. April, the home’s well-fed and beloved cat adds to the homely feel, along with small family units where residents can relax, socialise and eat their meals in the dining section whilst feeling completely at ease, with assistance if needed. Larger sitting rooms provide the ideal space for planned entertainment once more and the excellent activities team research subjects of interest whilst staff give individual attention to each resident during the course of the day.