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0800 206 1442


5 things to consider when planning for nursing and care home costs

Planning for nursing and care home costs can be complex, involving various considerations such as funding options, price comparisons, and the type of care required. At Avante Care &...

Award-Winning Care Staff

On the 15th & 16th June the renowned Stars of Social Care Awards took place at the Marriott Hotel in Regents Park, London. Friday's ceremony focused on home care, where Avante Care...

Care at Home

As we age, the support needed to complete everyday tasks tends to increase. While some individuals feel more secure moving into a nursing care home where they can receive 24/7 care, others...

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

When your loved one is diagnosed with Parkinson’s, knowing the next steps can be a minefield. There is a wealth of information available online and understanding the different treatment...

What is Lasting Power of Attorney?

When a loved one’s health begins to deteriorate and their mental clarity is impacted, it may become necessary for another person to make decisions on their behalf. This can be temporary,...