Never a dull moment at Bridge Haven care home

Never a dull moment at Bridge Haven care home

Bridge Haven care home is a popular care home in the picturesque village of Bridge, near Canterbury. The home provides care for the older person and for those living with dementia. The home is surrounded by beautiful views and countryside and is well supported and...
Movie time with Stan and Ollie

Movie time with Stan and Ollie

Care homes across the UK continue to be closed for family members to visit their loved ones, which is essential practice to protect residents and staff from COVID-19. During this time all of Avante’s care homes have kept residents entertained with numerous extra...

Blossoming at Chaucer House

Chaucer House care home situated in the heart of the City of Canterbury is a popular care home with the local community and welcomes a number of groups and entertainers to the home on a weekly basis. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant community engagement for all care...

VE Day celebrations at Puddingstone Grange

During the current lockdown with all care homes in isolation from visitors to protect the residents and care staff, events and activities in care homes have required a different approach, with plenty of outside-the-box thinking during these uncertain times. One thing...