If you’re close to or caring for a loved one living with dementia, it’s of the utmost importance to know about emergency respite care. This type of care enables family members and loved ones to have a break from caring for that person full-time. Of course, there are a few things you need to know before you can benefit from respite care: what it is, how to find it, and how to use it. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing all of these topics in detail.
What is respite care?
The care of a loved one with dementia is a tough task. Not only do you have to provide the necessary care and attention, but the impact on your own personal mental and emotional health can be significant. That’s where respite care comes in, helping to provide relief for caregivers who are caring for those living with dementia.
Whether it’s at home or at a dedicated care home, the options for respite care are plentiful. There are many agencies across the country that offer this service, so it’s important to do some research before selecting one. Whether it’s overnight stays, day visits, or even visits at home by a team of professionals, it’s vital to be patient and understanding of your loved one’s needs.

How to find emergency respite care
When looking to take advantage of emergency respite care, it can be as simple as conducting a Google search to find the right provider. Of course, you can also speak to your GP in order to obtain any referrals or professional recommendations. You should then prepare by making an appointment and bringing along all of the necessary paperwork, bringing those living with dementia to experience the respite facility if required. Preparing for respite care is fundamental to ensuring the process runs as smoothly as possible, helping to reduce the stress and chaos that often comes with an unexpected absence and/or change.
Paying for respite care
One of the major sticking points for carers is the cost of respite care, with the associated fees able to run up to £1,500 per week (depending on location and requirements). Self-funded care can often be arranged quickly, making it a practical option. For those needing financial support to fund respite care, however, the process may move somewhat slower. Your local council will be required to conduct means assessments following a care assessment, determining eligibility and the level of funding that will be available.
If you do not qualify for funding from your local authority, grants are often available from charitable organisations and benevolent funds, with Turn2Us providing a grant searching facility that could well prove invaluable.
Discover more about respite care
Replacement care is vital for those caring for a person with dementia, helping to relieve the caregiver of some of the regular duties and responsibilities for even just a short duration. At Avante Care & Support, we can help you find the very best respite care in Kent, with our range of healthcare facilities and services designed to support you and your loved ones. Get in touch with a member of the team today to learn more about our respite care options and to discuss funding.