
Dementia Care in Bridge

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Dementia Care at Bridge Haven – Canterbury

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Dementia Care at Bridge Haven

Care for the elderly frail and those living with dementia is provided at Bridge Haven by highly trained staff who always put the resident at the forefront of decision making in which the resident is fully involved.

All staff, including those not providing direct care are knowledgeable of the philosophy of person centred care.

Avante’s Philosophy of Care – The Eden Alternative

In order to ensure residents have the best possible care at Bridge Haven, The Eden Alternative is at the core of every staff member’s philosophy. The negative states of loneliness, helplessness and boredom have a significant effect on a person’s wellbeing and the philosophy enables staff to develop their role to ensure residents are given the companionship, feeling of self-worth and continued interests to alleviate these states.

Dementia Environment

Bridge Haven has extensive gardens, containing a tea room and other areas of interest, residents are encouraged to make use of these facilities, all year round if they wish, with staff ensuring they dress appropriately for the weather. The large and sunny sitting areas in the home are very popular with residents and they enjoy their intermixing between the two sections of the home, with visits to the purpose built cinema room and pub experience.


There are two separate dining areas providing a comfortable, homely dining experience and the kitchen staff are always on hand to provide delicious and tempting dishes to encourage the maximum nutrition and hydration requirements

Avante Care & Support