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Home Care Medication
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Home care medication
Taking medications regularly is vital to the continued health and wellbeing of many individuals. Whether you need medicine for a specific condition such as diabetes or dementia, or take tablets to help stabilise blood pressure or cholesterol levels, it’s important to ensure these are administered according to your GP’s instructions.
What is home care medication?
Our home care medication service covers two key aspects of medication. Not only can we collect and deliver your medications from the pharmacy, we can also help you ensure you’re taking the right medicines at the right times.
Many of the people we work with have several different types of medication that must be taken at specific times, such as after a meal or before bed. Other medicines can also be thrown into the mix should you require a course of antibiotics for an infection, for example. Our carers are fully trained to help you stay on top of your medication needs, sorting out your daily dosage of each and ensuring all medicines are taken safely.

Who can benefit from home care medication?
Any individual taking medicine under the supervision of a healthcare professional can benefit from our services. In particular, the elderly or those living with a condition such as dementia may benefit, since age and/or a decline in cognitive function can make it harder to retain information or remember changes to a medication schedule.
Tailored medication management
Whether you have a visiting who comes to your home twice a day, or a live-in carer who’s with you around the clock, you can rest assured they are carefully trained to ensure your medication needs are properly managed. We understand how important this is – both for your own wellbeing and the peace of mind of your loved ones.
Not only will we help to manage the medications you’re currently on, we’ll also check in with your family and your GP regularly to stay apprised of any changes to medications or dosages. If you feel that you or your loved one could benefit from home care medication please get in touch with and our team will be more than happy to discuss your needs.