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Light Gardening Support
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Light gardening support
For most of us our garden is a little sanctuary, an outdoor haven where we can enjoy some fresh air and feel closer to nature. In fact, studies show that spending time in the garden can improve our mood, reduce anxiety and relieve fatigue. But if mobility issues or a health condition means you struggle to keep your garden neat and tidy, you may find the space less relaxing than it could be. At Avante Care & Support, we’re here to help.
Who are our gardening services for?
Being able to enjoy your garden throughout the year is a key part of your overall wellbeing. We help those who are elderly or have health or mobility issues, providing light gardening services to ensure you can find peace and relaxation in your garden.
Our services include light tasks such as mowing the lawn, weeding, pruning shrubs, and watering during dry spells. All of this helps to keep your garden maintained so that it continues to be a place you enjoy. And although we cannot complete major or specialist work, we may be able to help you find someone who can.
Gardening support to fit your schedule
Many people like and need a daily routine. For those with conditions such as dementia, consistency is a key part of feeling comfortable and secure. With that in mind, our gardening support is tailored to your needs and your preferred schedule. We’ll ensure you see the same faces as often as possible, and that you can rely on your gardener to come at set times, so you can plan the rest of your day as you choose.
To find out more about our light gardening services in Bexley, Faversham and Swale, or to discuss your needs, get in touch with our friendly team today. We’ll be happy to assist.