Getting it right and doing it well

Getting it right and doing it well

Puddingstone Grange Care home CQC At a recent visit to Puddingstone Care Home, inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said they were pleased with how the team are managing COVID-19 and following infection prevention and control policies and procedures....
Reunited at Long Last

Reunited at Long Last

Monday 8 March saw the starting point for the first of many lockdown restrictions begin to ease, including the much-missed visits from loved ones into care homes. Under the new Government guidelines, care homes across the country have been advised every resident will...
Trustee and Patron, Bob Bushell retires

Trustee and Patron, Bob Bushell retires

Bob Bushell has served Avante Care & Support for over 26 years, has taken the decision to step down from his role as Patron on 22 September. Bob is highly thought of and respected throughout the organisation, having dedicated his time supporting Avante Care &...
Finalists for LaingBuisson award!

Finalists for LaingBuisson award!

Avante Care & Support finalists for LaingBuisson award! Avante Care & Support are delighted to have been shortlisted for the LaingBuisson small residential care award. The small residential care award is for excellence in residential or nursing care for older...
Movie time with Stan and Ollie

Movie time with Stan and Ollie

Care homes across the UK continue to be closed for family members to visit their loved ones, which is essential practice to protect residents and staff from COVID-19. During this time all of Avante’s care homes have kept residents entertained with numerous extra...